For those of you who live in wonderful winter climates - this is Elder Andersen out on the front step Sunday evening November 28th watching the world wide leadership training broadcast on the web. It was just a very comfortable temperature. Go ahead remove your snow from your driveways.
It is always nice when some neighborhood people advertise the upcoming pot holes. Here is an example of what we dodge mile after mile while traveling the intereior of Jamiac. This example is not bad compared to about a 8 kilometer stretch in Haddo which is on the way to Montego Bay.
Elder and Sister Cheesman were released recently and the Sr. Couples went to Strawberry Hill which as you can see is a very nice place atop a mountian overlooking Kingston. We had a very nice time and a very pricey lunch. It was fun to be together with the other couples
When you are in Rome do as the Romans do. When in Jamaica Sister Andersen ( I forgot I was typing on the blog and should have said Fran but it is a habit not to) has found a way to decorate the wall in the kitchen . We enjoy the change from a very plain wall. 
On all our trips to Negril we slip out to the Rock House for a jerk chicken sandwich. This is the view we have to contend with.
On Thanksgiving the Sr Couples were invited to the Mission Home for Thanksgiving Dinner. It was delicious and a fun time was had by all.
On Friday the 26th we visited the Seminary at Junction. Pictured below is President Collins the branch president, Sister Collins his wife and the semianry teacher and Chris Anthony Collins the son and only class member. Faithful they are to carry out the programs of the church in spite of numbers. They are certainly wonderful people.
Thats it for the 57 varieties. Things are going well and we are not missing winter but miss all of you.