Saturday, January 8, 2011

Happy New Year

Since it seems we are always addressing the challenges in Jamaica I wanted to give a positive report.  Today is Saturday January 8th and we have just returned from our monthly visit to seminary and institute classses in two of our assigned branches.  On Thursday evening we had our inservice training meeting in Savannah La Mar and the teachers from Negril branch came over to meet with us.  Then we stayed Friday night in Negril and spent Saturday morning walking on the beach (for those of you in foggy, smoggy, cold Utah)  Oftentimes as one looks at what impact we are actually making is gets discouraging as it is hard to measure.  However, on Friday night I visited the seminary class in Montego Bay.  When Fran and I arrived on our mission last May we were assigned 7 branches to be involved with the seminary and institute program. Four branches did not have seminary and one branch did not have institute.   Montego Bay was one of the branches without a seminary class and it was very rewarding and spiritually uplifting to be among eight students in attendance out of the eleven registered.  It was fun to hear them do their scripture mastery repeating by memory several key scriptures.  Their teacher really cares for them and they can tell it.  After class I told Fran how happy I was that we were able to make a difference by getting that class started. What a shame it would have been for those youth to be missing out on this experience.   Neighborhood update:  I am still walking 5 mornings a week and have placed another three Books of Mormon and am hopeful that I will soon be able to get the missionaries an apointment with at least one family.  Had a nice discussion with a Jehovah's Witness this past week  and told her to pray about our discussion and come back and I would have a Book of Mormon for her.  Our first visitiors Stan and Diane Brewer are coming the 20th and we are very excited about their visit.  We are happy to serve here and miss all of you.  Keep the pictures and video's coming.    Jack.
P S Thanks for the Christmas cards, pictures etc.


  1. Happy New Year, Frack! We love you!

  2. I'm loving reading about your adventures, espcially your Christmas party! Did you hear that we've been called? Rick to be a Mission President and me a full-time missionary and Rick's companion. We won't know where until March but we've been told it'll be English-speaking... Pretty crazy, eh?
