Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sunday June 20th.

Yesterday was the actual 2 month anniversary for our mission.  I did write a very long entry only to discover I had made a mistake and it got deleted. I was too tired by then to write again so hopefully I will do it right this time.  We had a very busy week starting with YSA committe meeting in May Pen last Sunday. We scheduled our first PEF fireside for today so we have been busy in preparation for it.  We were able to get a power point presentation from church headquarters and a projector from CES in Kingston and it took me a while to get trained (thanks Elder Schaefermeyer - again!) on how to run it. Who said I was too old to learn?
On Wednesday the Schaefermeyers brought brother Bennie Lilly from the Dominican Republic to visit.  Brother Lilly's boss is Veronica Van Leeuwen sp? (married name I do not remember) husband.  We sent our greetings to Veronica.    We all had lunch at the Lucky Dragon - Chinese with them.

First Book of Mormon placed.  Fran & I have been walking around the neighborhood in the mornings. We live in a hilly area so it is up and down, up and down etc. which is good exercise.  (I now walk alone as Fran has gotten her new treadmill).  We always introduce oursleves to everyone we see and it is mostly workers in yards and homes.  I have written the names of all we meet so I can greet them properly when we meet again.  To date I have 19 names with only 5 of them home owners.  The Jamaicans are a very friendly warm people and have very melodic voices with a english accent.  This makes a bit of a problem for Fran and I as our hearing leaves a lot to be desired. However, we do the best we can.  On Thursday I stopped for a minute and talked with Dawn who we always see on her way to work.  I told her Christ had visited the America's after his resurrection and we had a record of that event in a book.  She immediatly asked if she could have one and so on Friday I presented it to her along with a note from Fran and a letter from me explaining what the book was and how it came about and referred her to Moaoni 10:4-5 and we shared our testimony of the Book of Mormon.  On Friday Audrey, another worker, was with her and when she saw the Book of Mormon said to Dawn "see I told you that church was Mormon". Of course Dawn said immediately  Audrey wants one too. ( do not know if it is beacuse "it's free" or not) so on Monday Audrey will get her copy.  Since I see them every day I will regualarly check on their progress in reading. Even thought we are not offically proselyting missionaries I pray every day that we can meet some families and introduce the gospel to potential preisthood holders and leaders.  They are so much needed in the branches here.
Elder and Sister Cheesman from Provo are serving as the mission office couple and we invited them to get out of Kingston for a night and come to Mandville  for dinner and stay overnight.  We had a wondeful time visiting with them.  They do a wondeful job at the office and will be sorely missed when they go  home. You must realize that we are very much isolated from other couples to socialize with so it was relly good to have them and also to visit with the Schaefermeyers when they come here.   When the Cheesmans arrived they brought MAIL.  Thanks to Anna Maria, Boyd & Doris, Rachael the sweetheart, Doug & Stacy with their pictures with the  rainbow and Marsha Rogers in the background and Fran received some original art from Max and Tatum Smith.  All of this brightened our day.  Thanks

Today is our first firesde presentation in May Pen and we will be presenting it in every branch in Jamaica between now and July 31st. The PEF program is everything President Hinkley envisioned when he announced it.  We are very happy to be part of introducing it to all who may qualify for its benefits.

Enough for now.  Time to leave for church. 

1 comment:

  1. You sound wonderful and it is great to see you both alive and well! Happy Father's Day, Jack!
    The Oldroyds
